Avoid the Holiday Rush: Plan Ahead for Your Pharmacy’s Staffing Needs

As we a number of public and school holidays, it’s important for pharmacies to manage and plan their staffing levels. Failing to do so can result in reduced productivity, decreased customer satisfaction and of course lost sales. Therefore, if you haven’t already done so, it’s critical to start thinking about staffing levels for the upcoming months.

One of the most common staffing issues is the need for a locum pharmacist to cover shifts. Whether it’s due to public holidays or a vacation for one of the permanent pharmacists, having a locum pharmacist can be essential in ensuring your pharmacy remains fully operational.

However, finding a locum pharmacist at short notice can be challenging, especially during busy periods such as the times around public and school holidays. Many pharmacies find that locum pharmacists are getting booked out fast, which can leave them in a difficult situation if they haven’t made arrangements in advance.

This is where Pharmacy SOS comes in. Pharmacy SOS is a trusted provider of locum pharmacists across Australia, offering a fast and reliable service for pharmacies in need. If your pharmacy needs a locum pharmacist to cover some shifts, public holidays, or a holiday for one of the permanent pharmacists at your pharmacy, Pharmacy SOS can help.

To help you with your planning, we have compiled a list of public holidays in Australia between now and midyear school holidays:

New South Wales

School Holidays Coming Up

Term 1: 8 April to 23 April
Term 2: 1 July to 16 July

Public Holidays Coming Up

Easter: Good Friday (Friday, April 14), Easter Monday (Monday, April 17)
Anzac Day (Tuesday, April 25)
Queen’s Birthday (Monday, June 12)


School Holidays Coming Up

Term 1: 1 April to 16 April
Term 2: 24 June to 9 July

Public Holidays Coming Up

Easter: Good Friday (Friday, April 14), Easter Monday (Monday, April 17)
Anzac Day (Tuesday, April 25)


School Holidays Coming Up

Term 1: 27 March to 11 April
Term 2: 26 June to 11 July

Public Holidays Coming Up

Easter: Good Friday (Friday, April 14), Easter Monday (Monday, April 17)
Anzac Day (Tuesday, April 25)
Queen’s Birthday (Monday, June 12)

Western Australia

School Holidays Coming Up

Term 1: 3 April to 18 April
Term 2: 1 July to 16 July

Public Holidays Coming Up

Easter: Good Friday (Friday, April 14), Easter Monday (Monday, April 17)
Anzac Day (Tuesday, April 25)
Western Australia Day (Monday, June 5)

South Australia

School Holidays Coming Up

Term 1: 16 April to 1 May
Term 2: 8 July to 23 July

Public Holidays Coming Up

Easter: Good Friday (Friday, April 14), Easter Monday (Monday, April 17)
Anzac Day (Tuesday, April 25)
Queen’s Birthday (Monday, June 12)


School Holidays Coming Up

Term 1: 10 April to 25 April
Term 2: 8 July to 24 July

Public Holidays Coming Up

Easter: Good Friday (Friday, April 14), Easter Monday (Monday, April 17)
Anzac Day (Tuesday, April 25)

It’s important to note that these dates may be subject to change, and it’s always best to confirm with your local school or education department for any updates or changes. Planning ahead for both school holidays and public holidays can help you make the most of your time off and ensure that you have a well-deserved break.

To get in touch with Pharmacy SOS, simply call 1300 505 247 or email sos@pharmacysos.com.au as soon as possible to secure a locum pharmacist for your pharmacy. With our extensive network of experienced and qualified locum pharmacists, you can be sure that your pharmacy will be in safe hands.

(Last Updated on March 19, 2023)