As Pharmacy SOS now processes pays through STP, we no longer provide locums on the SOS Payroll with a payment summary.
They also changed the name of these summaries (again), they are now called an “income statement”.
This is how you can now get them:
- You will need to log into their myGov account, select ATO online services, click on my profile, select my employment and then income statement to access this information.
- If you use a registered agent to lodge your income tax return, they will receive your income statement information directly from the ATO.
- If you don’t have access or cannot create a myGov account and don’t use a registered agent you can call the ATO on 13 28 61 and they will provide this information.If you need help creating or logging in to your myGov account and linking to the ATO’s online services, you can access information at
- (Direct link to this FAQ)
(Last Updated on May 18, 2023)