Can you find technicians, dispensary assistants, or help with trainee pharmacists?
Do you still offer a “60 Minute Service Or Its Free”?
No, this service is no longer being offered as the majority of our clients appreciate our speedy work in finding the right locum for their pharmacy, so are not fussed about finding a locum with in 60 minutes.
How To Join Our Telegram Channel In Your State For Shift Notifications?
Can I book a locum pharmacist online?
Yes! On the top menu choose Employers, then Book A Locum…
Should I upload a photo when I apply? What are some do’s and don’t’s?
Yes! Uploading a professional, passport style or similar head shot is a good idea. However, it is only optional and is not distributed to employers…. it is however, used to gauge how you represent yourself. Here are some hints: DO take a professional photo, it does not have to be expensive, a home camera is fine but ensure it represents you as a professional. DO wear appropriate clothing. DO look sharp and focused. DO ensure that your photo represents you. DO Have a plain background. We want you to be the focus. DO NOT take selfies. DO NOT post holiday shots with lovely backgrounds. These are interesting but will not serve the purpose. DO NOT take shots in the shower, bathroom, or in a group of people. (Yes, we get those occasionally!). DO NOT wear casual or party clothing (for example singlets or gowns). A suite, white coat, or formal wear is appropriate. Some of these may be stating the obvious… but the obvious sometimes needs to be stated :).
How do I improve my chances of getting locum work?
Locums: Let us know your free days If you are a locum pharmacist you can help us give you more shifts and achieve an even faster turn around with our locum requests by letting us know when you are available to do locum shifts. There are two ways you can do this:1. Let us know your availability on the locum availability form, where it will automatically register on our calendar so we can call you first. 2. Notify us by email, phone, telegram, Live Chat or SMS your availability one week in advance, for example every Sunday. One week is a good length of time as timetables can change quite rapidly. Locums: Let us know your free days If you are a locum pharmacist you can help us give you more shifts and achieve an even faster turn around with our locum requests by letting us know when you are available to do locum shifts. There are two ways you can do this:1. Let us know your availability on the locum availability form, where it will automatically register on our calendar so we can call you first. 2. Notify us by email, phone, telegram, Live Chat or SMS your availability one week in advance, for example every Sunday. One week is a good length of time as timetables can change quite rapidly.
When will a new position be advertised?
In the first instance, we approach our current pharmacist databases and website in order to determine if a suitable candidate is available for any full time or part time positions you advertise with us. If we need to further advertise, we will then advertise externally on online sites at no extra cost to you.
What is “Sham Contracting”?
It is important to understand the laws and regulations around contracting if you choose to invoice the pharmacy. A document by the ATO will clearly explain this. Advice from your accountant is recommended.The article can be downloaded here: Sham Contracting.Pharmacy SOS will not provide any legal or tax advice in relation to this as it is beyond the scope of our abilities to do so, and we are not licensed to do so.
What happens if the pharmacist is not suitable?
As long as all invoices are up to date and paid on time, Pharmacy SOS will look after a replacement for you as soon as possible at no extra cost as per our Terms and Conditions. If you are not satisfied with a locum placement, please notify us with in 72 hours of commencement.Note our fee waiver is covered for the first 72 hours, which we believe is enough time to determine if the candidate is not suitable.